An Alaskan Thanksgiving
The meal was delicious, and made even better by the fact that I was not responsible for any cooking, cleaning, or serving. After dinner we drove home and retired to our bedroom for the annual after thanksgiving day nap. This one lasted a little longer then the average. We slept for over 5 hours. I think they may have drugged the turkey. When I woke up it was dark outside. This told me that it was sometime after 4pm (we are getting darker sooner now…).
I took this picture around 10:30am
Actually it was around 5:30. I hoped out of bed to check the weather. It seems that it had really warmed up that day. When I had gotten up this morning at 7am it was a chilly -6 outside. Luckily it had warmed up to a temped zero this afternoon. It was not nearly as cold as it was this morning.
The weather being what it is (freezing) I have started to use it to my advantage. I really don’t like my coffee hot, but I hate waiting for it to cool off. Now all I do is leave it on the back porch for a few minutes, and I have nicely chilled coffee. I once left a batch of freshly made hot tea out on the porch too long, and it turned into a huge ice tea cube. I like my tea cold, but it is even better if I can drink it. I am still perfecting the care and use of my new outdoor freezer.I have also learned that one should not go outside with wet hair unless that someone wishes to have frozen hair. I learned this lesson after getting out of the shower and venturing onto the porch for several minutes. It seems that the average time for hair to freeze at -6 is about 5 minutes. Longer than that, and other things will start to freeze, especially with only shorts and a tee shirt...